Citizens For Healing Association - Membership Application

I hereby apply for "advisory" membership in Citizens for Healing Association (C4HA), as described in the Articles and Bylaws

I agree with the aims of C4H, and support the proposal for changing Kelseyville to Konocti as submitted to the BGN.

I will conform to any member policies set by C4H, currently
- I will not divulge confidential information outside of the association.
- If the policy is changed, and I do not accept it, I will unsubscribe from the group and terminate my membership.

The CEO is authorized to approve memberships. Un-approved applications will be referred to the board. Only the Board can revoke memberships.

As a member, you can introduce yourself as "a member of C4H".

To apply for membership email with "application" in the subject line.

We will send you an email (from inviting you to join the mailing list.
If you respond to that email, you'll be accepted as a member and added to the c4h-members mailing list.

Site map: C4HA Home Page   Legal Documents   Membership Application Public Site

Updated 8/28/2024